US Open 2009: Play Off-resultater

af | aug 3, 2009

Resultater fra play off fra kvartfinalerne og fremefter i US Open 2009:


Bernie Kunzler (Canada) – John Medema (USA) =
6-0, 3-4, 5-0, 7-1 og 8-1

Bjarne Axelsen (Danmark) – Eric Krol (USA) =
5-1, 8-1, 6-2 og 8-2

Peter Ørum (Danmark) – Matt Rogers (USA) =
3-1, 4-2, 8-1 og 2-0

Dany LeClerc (Canada) – John Labianca (USA) =
3-5, 5-2, 2-1, 3-2f og 6-0


Bernie Kunzler (Canada) – Dany LeClerc (Canada) =
6-1, 2-1, 2-3, 5-2 og 8-4

Bjarne Axelsen (Danmark) – Peter Ørum (Danmark) =
6-2, 1-2, 7-1, 4-3 og 6-2

Kampen om bronzemedaljen:

Peter Ørum (Danmark) – Dany LeClerc (Canada) =
1-7 og 2-6

Finalen i US Open 2009, Lemont, Chicago, Illinois:

Bernie Kunzler (Canada) – Bjarne Axelsen (Danmark) =
4-5, 4-0, 4-5, 1-3 og 3-4f

Dermed vinder Bjarne Axelsen fra Fremad Eagles Bordhockey US Open 2009.

From the left:

Bernie Kunzler (Canada), Bjarne Axelsen (Denmark) and to the right Dany LeClerc (Canada)

Besides the three best Peter Ørum must be mentioned for his convincing victory against Matt Rogers in the quarterfinals.
Moreover Matt Rogers must be mentioned because he once again showed that he is the future of american tablehockey – at least in STIGA – while the canadian guy Dany LeClerc from Quebec is the new king of Coleco – together with Carlo Bossio who did not participate this time.

Also the legends Ron Marsik and Dave Kraehling did a great job.
Ron Chesick won the C pool in STIGA US Open 2009 while the canadian legend Pierre Chastenais from Montreal this time won the D-pool.

Congratulations to everyone and thanks for the intelligent part of the tournament – and here I am thinking of the hard work making everything perfect before the tournaments started.

Bjarne Axelsen
Brønderslev, Denmark
Monday the 3rd of August 2009