Oslo Open 2004 – English and danish

af | dec 6, 2004

The Danish tablehockey heroes were a part of a great striptease show in Oslo – dancing without clothes on the tables.

Perhaps my ukrainian friend Yevhen has inspired me with his great lyric talent because the headline of this article has – indeed – not anything to do with my friends Peter Ørum, Bjarne Rytter Sørensen and Michael Toft Nielsen dancing without clothes and that would perhaps also have had the consequence that we were not invited the next time :-((

As you perhaps know the slogan for the Danish Tablehockey Union is: “When we are out we are dancing on the tables!”

This time we waited untill the 12-hour-long trip from Oslo and home to Denmark.

It was a great experience looking at the final between Petter and Alexei even though I – the next time – will try to forget that you – Alexei – are so good that you can beat me without looking at the table :-))

To all you great players:
Congratulations with your great level.

It was a shame that there wasn´t a possibility to get a schedule with your results after the tournament because of the printing problem. Hope that will be solved the next time so we have the possibility to analyze afterwards – even though it – probably – would not help us winning more :-))

To my ukrainian friend Yevhen…..
Let´s play chess the next time :-))
Our playing tablehockey look like chess standing beside Petter Bengtsson and Alexei Titov :-))

Hope to meet you somewhere in Ukraine relaxing when you are serving me an ukrainian national dish……or beer :-))


Netop hjemvendt fra Oslo direkte til mit arbejde som journalist på Lokalradioerne i Brønderslev vil jeg tillade mig at bruge to minutter af min arbejdsgivers rundhåndede løn til at orientere om ørnene og ravnenes indsats i Oslo Open 2004.

Vinderen af turneringen blev Petter Bengtsson fra BHK Möllan Rouge i Sverige. Han slog russiske Alexei Titov i finalen hvilket var fuldt fortjent.

De fire danske bordhockeymasochister blev placeret som følger:

Nr. 41: Bjarne Axelsen
Nr. 43: Peter Ørum
Nr. 46: Bjarne Rytter Sørensen
Nr. 52: Michael Toft Nielsen

Vi siger tak for en masse tæsk til specielt de norske, svenske og russiske spillere, selvom der dog også retfærdigvis skal siges, at der deltog 60 spillere i turneringen, så sidst blev vi dog ikke.

Er Petter Bengtsson den kommende verdensmester?????


Many regards / Mange hilsner
Bjarne Axelsen
Fremad Eagles / Framåt Örnar / Vperiód Orlý