af | jul 13, 2018

Denmark Open 2018


Dansk version
English version

Spillere med 600 points eller færre på den officielle ITHF World Ranking ved tilmeldingsdeadline mandag den 20. august 2018 klokken 12:00 starter turneringen i basisgrupperne, som afholdes onsdag den 22. august 2018.
Spillere med flere end 600 points ved tilmeldingsdeadline starter deres turnering i finaledivisionen lørdag den 25. august.
Dette skyldes, at mange skolebørn spiller med i turneringen + at DBHU ikke må lade udenlandske spillere med et lavt antal points gå direkte til finaledivisionen.

Players with 600 points or less in the official ITHF World Ranking at the deadline of registration Monday the 20th of August 2018 at 12:00:00 CEST will begin their tournament in the basic groups which will be organized Wednesday the 22nd of August 2018.
Players with more than 600 points at the deadline of registration will begin their tournament in the final division Saturday the 25th of August.
This is due to many school kids attending the tournament + the fact that DBHU is not allowed to let foreign players with a low number of points pass directly to the final division.


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Tilmelding er mulig fra mandag den 2. juli til mandag den 20. august 2018 klokken 12:00.

(Mandag den 20/8 2018 kl. 12:00 til middag) 

Registration is possible from Monday the 2nd of July to Monday the 20th of August 2018 at 12:00:00 CEST.

(Monday the 20th of August 2018 at 12:00 at noon) 


100 kroner eller 15 EURO
Spillere under 18 år spiller gratis med.

100 DKK or 15 EURO
Players aged below 18 years old play for free.


Søndergades Skole
Søndergade 40
DK-9700 Brønderslev

5 minutes from the train station Brønderslev st.

Tournament System/time schedule:

22nd of August 2018

Basic Groups with players with 600 points or less in the ITHF World Ranking Monday the 20th of August 2018 at 12:00:00 CEST.
The best players will promote from the basic groups to the semifinal division.
The best players from the semifinal division will promote to the final division.

The number of players promoting depends on the number of registered players who will pass directly to the final division.

15:00 Doors are opening

15:30 Last registration

15:45 Welcome Speech

15:55 Players ready at the games

16:00 Basic Groups are beginning

The best players from the basic groups will promote to the semifinal division from which the best players will promote to the final division.

The semifinal division will begin approximately 30 minutes after the basic groups have ended.

25th of August 2018

  • All players with more than 600 points in the ITHF World Ranking Monday the 20th of August 2018 at 12:00:00 CEST.
  • Players promoting from the semifinal division.

09:00 Doors are opening

09:30 Last registration

09:45 Welcome Speech

09:55 Players Ready at the Games

10:00 Final Division is beginning

14:00 Lunch Break

15:00 Play off

19:30 Prize Ceremony

Exact Tournament System

Saturday the 25th of August

For more exact tournament system Saturday press this link:

Detaljeret turneringssystem

Lørdag den 25. august 2018

For mere udførligt turneringssystem (på dansk) tryk på dette link:


Kontakt Bjarne Axelsen på

Contact Bjarne Axelsen at

Tournament Committee

  • Bjarne Axelsen
  • Michael Toft Nielsen
  • Anette Engel

Brønderslev, torsdag den 29. marts 2018.