Turneringer i DBHUs regi

DBHU is the organisation which arranges The Danish Championships and The Danish Cup. Furthermore DBHU is responsible for the regional championships. Schroll down for more details… DBHU er den organisation som arrangerer de danske mesterskaber og den danske...

We would like to welcome you to The Danish Tablehockey Union. The first club in Denmark was born on the 23rd of january 2004.Fremad Eagles Bordhockey Brønderslev is the name of the club and it is situated in the northern part of Denmark in a town called Brønderslev....

Tischeishockey in Dänemark

Wir möchten Sie zur dänischen Tischhockey Vereinigung begrüßen. Die erste Verein in Dänemark wurde auf 23. Januar 2004 getragen. Fremad Eagles Bordhockey Brønderslev (Vorwärts Adler Tischhockey Brønderslev) ist der Name der Vereins und er wird im Nordteil von Dänemark...

Hockey sul tavolo a Danimarca

Vorremmo accoglierli favorevolmente alla federazione danese di hockey sul tavolo. Il primo randello in Danimarca è stato riguardato il ventitreesimo gennaio 2004. Fremad Eagles Bordhockey Brønderslev (Forza Aquile Hockey sul tavolo Brønderslev) è il nome del randello...